ICON Consulting Services

ICON Consultants

ICON Consultants provide online or onsite support to schools. The following is a list of services provided by the ICON consultants:

Onsite Support for Schools

ICON Consultants and ICON Trainers can provide onsite support for schools in cases where:

eAdmin Consultants

ICON eAdmin Consultants are subject matter experts in eSIS, eFIN and eHR. Where a school's support request cannot be resolved at 'first call' the eAdmin consultants can support schools with their issues.

eLearn Consultants

The ICON eLearn Consultants are subject matter experts in the ICON ePortal and the eSIS 'eLearn' modules eg. attendance, student semester reporting, pastoral care, and Community Portal including excursions & parent-teacher interviews. They also have expertise in how student data within eSIS is provided to other third-party applications such as The Insight Assessment Platform and ePlan.

Meet the Team

Collectively, the ICON eAdmin consultants carry nearly 30 years of administration experience working in Primary and Secondary Schools. They have expertise in financial management (including accounts receivable/debtors), as well as the management of student information. 

The ICON eLearn consultants have worked in both primary and secondary schools. They have a deep knowledge of the eSIS 'eLearn'  modules and ePortal and collaborate with staff in student learning services to ensure ICON processes support the policy and guidelines of CECV or the diocese.

eAdmin Consultants

eLearn Consultants


For ICON school support, you can contact the service desk any time via email at ictsupport@macs.vic.edu.au or via phone 03 9267 0422 between 8.00am–5.30 pm. 

Support requests that cannot be immediately resolved will be escalated to ICON Consultants. Note that users can raise a support ticket and request it be assigned directly to a team member above.