Latest News 2024

ICON New Admin Training and Refresher Workshops - Term 3

24 July 2024

ICON New Administrator training days

This training is designed for new school staff who have not completed ICON applications training.

Training covers:

 Training can be on demand and can be organised via Finance Business Partners or by contacting the ICON Training Lead, Sone McKendry via email 

ICON Refresher Workshops for Term 3

Workshops are now available for term 2.

ICON Refresher workshops are short-duration workshops between 1 to 2 hours depending on the topic. They are designed for school administration staff  using ICON and need to further develop their skills. These workshops are designed for both MACS Shared Services Schools and Non-Shared Services schools unless stated otherwise.

ICON Principal/ Leader workshops for Term 3

New principals will be contacted by the ICON training team for the opportunity to attend new principal / leader workshops.

An overview of training and workshops for term 3 can be found here.

Register for this activity in OPL via CEVN website.

 For your Attention: Jamboard is winding down

24 July 2024


This is important information for Google Administrators and teachers at schools who use the whiteboard tool Jamboard.

This information has been passed on from Google to the MACS Google administrator. Google administrators at schools not in the MACS - Google Central Instance should have already received this information.


Google Jamboard will no longer be available after 31 December 2024. School staff using Jamboard will be able to export or migrate their Jamboard data to one of Google’s whiteboard partners, until that date. However, from 1 October users of Jamboard will not be able to create new Jams or edit existing Jams.

What is Jamboard?

Jamboard is a digital whiteboard that allows users to collaborate in real time using either the Jamboard device (a 55-inch digital whiteboard that works with Google services), web browser or mobile app. Jamboard will be decommissioned as of 31 December 2024. 



Refer to critical information about Jamboard:


Main Points

Critical dates and next steps



For ICON school support, you can contact the service desk any time via email at or via 

Engaging Software and/or Service Providers 

27 June 2024

MACS schools are reminded that as per the Executive circular dated the 29th February 2024 re: Engaging Software and/or Service Providers and email sent to principals and administrators dated 21st March 2024, schools are requested not to initiate, purchase or implement any digital applications or services that may change or alter the MACS digital landscape ahead of the Digital Re-Imagination Program and to consult with the program concerning any renewals or updates to the current local application.


Schools engaging with third-party vendors not part of the current approved ICON suite may find that ICON School Support cannot fully assist with integration or ICON  processes.

 For further information about the Digital Reimagination Program, please email 

Schools using eSIS to record Medical Incidents - Scale of Injury.

5 June 2024

A standard “scale of injury” for recording medical incidents has been included in eSIS to encourage consistent descriptions of severity of incidents across all MACS ICON schools.  

This is a significant step towards ensuring consistency and clarity in managing of student health records and consistent framework for categorising the extent of injuries sustained by students. It is important to use standard reporting terms to enhance the safety and well-being of students.


Under Medical tab, Medical Incidents sub-tab Injury Details, Scale of Injury field, the Dropdown list has been updated to include the below options.

 (In Synweb, the below options are now available under 'Severity').


AIS 1 – Minor

AIS 2 – Moderate

AIS 3 – Serious

AIS 4 – Severe

AIS 5 – Critical

The Options listed above are aligned with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) an internationally accepted tool for ranking injury severity.  

Please Note:  For injuries above the shoulders, it is still a requirement that the parent/s, carer/s and/or guardians need to be informed of such injury.

Enhancement - eSIS - Student Module – Relationship.

15 May 2024

As a result of requests from schools, a recent enhancement was made to the eSIS application in Student Module – Relationship.


Three new relationships have been added to the database.


These are:

PARTF        Father's Partner     

PARTM      Mother's Partner    

PARTC        Partner's Child


When adding new contacts, or changing the relationship status for a student, school administrators will be able to select these options.

ICON ePortal Update - Digital Onboarding Forms (MACS Shared Services)

15 May 2024

A recent update was made to the ICON ePortal and was available to schools on 6 May. The update improves the user experience related to digital onboarding forms. Changes will be seen when the user logs into the Staff Onboarding Dashboard. Information has been provided to users on the changes, in the MACS Shared Services Principal and Admin Forum on Tuesday after the release and at each of the regional Admin Forums.

Refresher Training was provided to schools who registered for these sessions on Thursday 9 May. 

MACS Shared Services Quick Reference Guides can be located in the Digital Onboarding Google Drive here: MACS SS Digital Onboarding Forms - Google Drive.

If you find issues with ICON ePortal please raise a ticket via HEAT or the ICON ePortal (PayrolI > I have an Issue). The project team is continuing to monitor the performance of the system.

 If you have a request for training you can contact the training team via email:  

Personal Leave Allocation Update

11 April  2024


The annual Personal Leave Allocation has been completed by MACS for all schools during the term holidays.

Balances were loaded for staff current on the OSR as of  29/01/2024.


Important notes:


Action Required:

Review of the PRS and eHR to ensure allocation for each active employee is loaded. ICON workshop sessions advertised on  OPL are available for school administration staff. These sessions will provide instructions on how to review the PRS and generate the report from eFIN to aid the reconciliation.

If there are discrepancies or an employee did not receive their allocation:

MACS Shared Services Schools:


Non-Shared Services Schools:


ICON Refresher Workshops - Term 2.

11 April 2024

ICON Refresher Workshops for Term 2

ICON Principal/ Leader workshops for Term 2.

ICON New Administrator training days

MACS Shared Services Primary School Administrator Duty Planner

26 March 2024

The MACS Shared Services Primary School Administrative Officers Duty Planner 2024 provides office administrators with an overview of the key activities and due dates for each term.

MACS Shared Services Primary Administrator Duty Planner

eAdmin Workshops for Regional Networks or School Admin Clusters

25 March 2024

eAdmin workshops customised for MACS regional networks or school clusters, to enhance the capabilities of school administration staff in using eAdmin applications can be arranged with the ICON Training & Consulting team.

These customised eAdmin workshops can be designed to suit the needs of the members of the regional network or cluster of schools. These workshops complement the current support and training already provided by the ICON Training and Consulting team. 

The purpose of the eAdmin workshops is to provide specialised support and expertise to enhance school administrators’ knowledge of specific workflows using the eAdmin applications.

Suggested workshop topics could include the following: 


Workshops can be:


*New school administrators are encouraged to attend the new admin training offered by the ICON Training team.  The new admin training provides an overview of the eAdmin applications and key processes rather than in depth exploration of specific topics to be covered in these workshop sessions. 


ICON Trainers and consultants with expertise and knowledge of ICON to advise schools in best practice strategies.

Next Steps:

For any questions about this offer, or to arrange for a workshop at your next regional network, or cluster of schools, contact Fiona Turner, Manager ICON Training and Knowledge Transfer via email:

End of Year Student Rollover/ Fee Generation - Common Questions

30 January, 2024

ICON End of Year Rollover/Fee Generation Common Topics 

This document is for school administration staff to resolve common questions or issues that may arise after the EOY student rollover process is completed and 2024 fees have been generated. 

School administration staff are encouraged to use this document to help rectify and correct issues regarding changes to students and classes, as well as correct fees for debtors after the fees were generated by the ICON support team.  

ICON Administrator Training and Refresher Workshops - Term 1

17 January, 2024

ICON New Admin Training and  ICON Refresher Workshops are now available for term 1.

New Administration Training covers:

- eSIS – Primary school – 2 days

- eSIS – Secondary school – 2 days

- eFIN/eHR – Shared Services schools (Primary/Secondary) – 1 day

- eHR – Non-Shared Services schools (Primary/Secondary) – 2 days

An overview of the current training & workshop sessions can be found here. 

Register for this activity in OPL via CEVN website. The full training and workshop offering can be found by searching ICON activities category in OPL.